Creative Play is Self-Care

As children, we naturally play, experiment, and discover new things and as we age we lose some of that instinct and it starts to get lost in the hustle of adult life. Many people start to believe that they are not creative and they no longer find value in practicing being creative. The truth is we are all creative, creativity is what gives us our problem-solving skills and helps us be innovative. However, it is still a skill that needs practicing.

What is Creative Play?

Creative play is about setting aside time to create, discover, end explore for the sake of playing. Why should we value making time for creativity? Exploring creative play can help exercise and build our creative skills, develop concentration, and boost our imagination and innovation. It can strengthen our motor skills, improve our logical thinking, stimulate our senses, and ultimately help us continue to learn.

Creative Play Ideas

What does creative play look like for adults? It could look like a painting, going for a bike ride, exploring a new area, cooking a new recipe, or gathering with friends for karaoke or a dance party. It could be hosting a game night or exploring a new hobby. Here are 10 ideas to get you started . . .

  1. Watch a drawing tutorial

  2. Pick up gardening

  3. Plan a trip

  4. Write or journal

  5. Explore a new part of town

  6. Try a new recipe

  7. Go miniature golfing, go-karting, or roller skating

  8. Play a board game, build a Lego set, or try a puzzle

  9. Reorganize and design a part of your home

  10. Put on music and dance around your house

Play is a Form of Self-Care

Incorporating time for creative play into your schedule can help relieve stress, improve your mood, and help you express yourself. How often do you make time for self-care in your routine? When you do, is it always structured? Why not set a designated time for play, even if it is for an hour one day a week? We tend to focus on all the things we think we HAVE to do during the week from work to household chores but making time just for yourself can help you disconnect from the daily stresses of life. This time is a great time to explore your interests outside of your career and can help you build a better sense of self and identify

My Creative Play

Although I don’t have a set time for creative play I have always been a creative person and really enjoy indulging in creative projects when I can. I always have a creative project such as filling out my travel journal from a recent trip to decorating my planner each month, and I’m often drawing, sewing, or making something for no reason. One way I love to exercise creative play is to host themed parties. I find great joy in planning and creating festive decor. Nothing makes you feel more like a kid than dressing up in a costume and going to someone’s home that has been creatively decorated. I love transforming my home and inviting my friends and family in to take a break from everyday life and gather together for fun.

Tips for getting started

  • Brainstorm a list of things you would like to try, explore, or learn.

  • Plan what you will need to get started such as supplies and materials.

  • Schedule a time to focus on your creative play

  • Let your family know not to be disturbed during that time

  • Sign up for a workshop, league, or group associated with your creative play

  • Feeling stuck, check out Skillshare or another learning resource

Looking for some inspiration? I recommend reading Find Your Unicorn Space, Reclaim Your Creative Life in a Too-Busy World by Eve Rodsky. She really inspired me to start prioritizing creative time in my routine and I can say that I always feel more relaxed, inspired, and focused after a creative session.

Finding it difficult to set aside time for creating? Here are some affirmations to help . . .

  • I am a creative person

  • Making time to be creative is part of my self-care

  • I value my mental health and prioritize time to relieve stress