Yearly Planning

What is a Yearly Plan?

At the start of every year, I like to map out my yearly planning. Yearly planning is a process of planning out your entire year of goals and deadlines, it can be used for personal goals but I mainly use it for business goals. My yearly planning I use to build my monthly to-dos, I revisit it at the end of the quarter to make adjustments and reflect on it at the end of the year. This process helps me stay focused on my goals and take regular action to ensure I meet those goals. I also use this process with many of my clients as it helps them stay focused and helps me identify ways I can support them in meeting their goals.

My Process

I use some version of this template to get me started:

  1. First, I add in any major trips or events into my calendar so that I can consider them when mapping out my to-dos. 

  2. Next, I clarify my goals for the year. I make sure they are smart and brainstorm what kind of action steps I will need to do to meet this goal. I sometimes do this brainstorming below the actual plan so that I can reference it and pull ideas from my notes.

  3. Next, I start to plan out my calendar. I start with some of the maintenance tasks or tasks I am already doing and want to continue, such as posting a blog or post on social. I then set some deadlines for some of my bigger goals. Once I do that, I work backward adding in my larger action steps that will lead me to those goals. If a goal seems too big, I break down the action steps into digestible pieces. Here is an example:

Goal: launch a new collection in March. My action steps include: choosing colors, creating a moodboard, completing sketches, creating designs, creating a cell sheet with final designs, creating mock-ups, promoting the collection on social, adding to the website, etc.

It’s important to be realistic about your timelines. You want your timelines to be achievable but slightly challenging. If you create too many easily achievable tasks it will be less rewarding and motivating to do them. If you create too challenging of tasks you can get overwhelmed and give up.

This process helps to visualize your year and gives you the comfort of knowing that you may not tackle it all right now but that it is scheduled out so it won’t be forgotten.

Using My Yearly Plan Throughout the Year

Every month, I review the plan and build out monthly to-dos. I will sometimes break down the action steps even smaller if I feel it necessary in my to-dos. 

At the end of the quarter, I revisit the plan, and I make adjustments by moving unfinished tasks and adjusting deadlines. I remove things that are no longer relevant or a priority. I collect my quarterly analytics, assess my overall goals and progress, and add goals or tasks as needed. I like to use this as a working document so I am always adjusting it and making notes.

Need help getting started? Download my template here: DOWNLOAD

Need some guidance? Schedule a Power Hour with me and I will fill out your yearly plan for you based on your goals and business tasks. Email me at