3 Ways I Use Tarot to be More Mindful

I grew up peering through the glass of my grandmother’s off-limits cabinet of the occult. Her collections of crystals, decks of cards, and books on mystical topics always made my head spin with fantastical dreams of what they could be used for. 

Many years later in my journey to become more mindful and prioritize my mental health, I have started to explore the world of tarot. I was inspired by a friend who mentioned they pull a daily card for themselves to help set an intention for that day. I loved that idea so I decided to develop a routine for myself. I am going to share three ways I incorporate tarot into my life as a form of reflection and guidance.

A wooden tray with crystals, palo santo, smudge sticks, and a tarot card.

Weekly Tarot Card and Journaling

The first practice I started was to pull a weekly tarot card to see what is in store for my week or what I may need for that week. I shuffle and pull a card every Sunday from my favorite deck Affirmations Tarot. I did that for a while and at the start of the new year, I added a journaling practice to go with it. Every Sunday I pull my card, then in a bullet journal I write the date, the card pulled, and then copy the affirmation from my card deck and follow it up with a reflection of what I think that card means for me this week. At the end of the week, before I pull my next card, I reflect on the week and how the card is connected.

I love this routine as it helps guide my journaling and gives me an intention for the week. Here are some of my favorite products I use for this practice:

Monthly Themes

This year, I have started to pull a monthly tarot card. I recently received a very simple tarot deck called Ok Tarot. This deck features 3 words for each card that summarizes the overall theme of the card. I feel this is a great way to introduce yourself to the different cards in tarot. I pull my monthly card and then write the words on a post-it to display on my computer. This is more just a reminder of what the month might bring and If I want to create any of my own affirmations or goals around that theme.

Ok Tarot deck box and a post it on a desktop monitor.

Daily Intentions

I recently discovered an app called Chani that I have incorporated into my morning routine. I sit and have my coffee and review the app. The app has many features including a summary of your day, meditations, a weekly affirmation, and a tarot card for the week. I will open it up in the morning and ready my summary for the day and create a personal intention for that day. 

This is an easy and approachable way to have curated material to create a focus for the week.

Chani App

Special Events or Challenges

I sometimes will pull out my deck if I have an upcoming event or I am feeling particularly stuck. In this case, I usually ask a question and pull a card such as “What can I expect on my upcoming trip?” I will then make a note in my journal and reflect on the card.

My favorite tarot reading to do is “past, present, and future.” I do this occasionally when I need a little check-in or I’m feeling lost. Lately, these have been career-related. I will ask for guidance on a topic and then pull three cards for past, present, and future and reflect on what they say and what it might mean for me.

I find Tarot to be a great way to guide your reflections, journaling, and setting intentions for yourself. Find a deck that speaks to you and test out pulling a card and journaling about it.
Looking to learn more about Tarot? I really loved taking a workshop from Harvest Moon

Looking for more mindful products?

Check out this manifestation notepad and other positive items in my Etsy shop.

How do you use tarot or other mindful practices in your life? I would love to hear!